Resilience Peace and Stability Project

Resilience Peace and Stability Project


Kenya Community Support Centre (KECOSCE), in partnership with Act Change and Transform (Act!) and with support from the Royal Danish Embassy (DANIDA) is implementing the

Resilience Peace and Stability Programme (RPS) in Kilifi County.  This is a five-year program 2020-2024 that seeks to contribute to a decrease in violent extremism and political and natural resource-based conflicts and reduce conditions that allow conflict(s) to escalate to violence. This is more important as we gear toward the forthcoming general elections that always elicit ethnic, religious, and class conflicts in Kilifi County. The project shall be focused on Kilifi South, Kilifi North, and Malindi Sub Counties.


In partnership with key stakeholders including the CSIC, CSOs, religious and traditional peace actors, women, youth, and the business sector in Kilifi, the project will support diverse activities to achieve project outputs which include:-

  1. Security/police (Nyumba Kumi, chiefs/Assistants) trained on human rights and non-violent approaches in hot spot areas and other areas as general conflict prevention
  2. Security/police senior and middle management engagement forums held with human rights experts on promoting police reforms and accountability
  3. Localized early warning and early response mechanisms established and operationalized to mitigate electoral conflicts.
  4. Data on the status of peace and gender/Conflict sensitivity collected for analysis and dissemination



The following Key interventions will be implemented during the first two years of implementation;

  • Held a Project inception meeting with key stakeholders, Including National Government Administration officers, The County Government County Administration, Peace committees, youth, and the Police.
  • Support Training workshop for160 community leaders from peace and security structures including 125 Nyumba Kumi, 5 chiefs and assistant chiefs per Sub County
  • Support baseline study social-political analysis for Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi
  • Support Quarterly Sub-county conflict prevention and response panels (CSIC and key CSOs/Experts on peace and security.
  • Support conflict prevention and response committees to intervene on local emerging conflict situations.
  • Support the commemoration of the International day of Peace in Kilifi County.
  • Support quarterly CSOs reflection/scenario-building meetings on electoral conflicts.
  • Upgrading KECOSCE Early Warning and Early Response Mechanism to facilitate response actors to better predict and respond to early warning signs of political and electoral-related conflicts.