Strengthening Civic Space for Realization of Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs in Kenya – A case for Kilifi County
75 Civil Society Organizations have signed up to become members of the Kilifi Civil Society Network. By signing up, an organisation commits to subscribing to a county CSOs Self- Regulation Framework which outlines a code of conduct. With Financial Support from Embassy of Netherlands in Kenya, the UNDP’s Amkeni Wakenya Civil society facility provided funding to Kenya Community Support Centre (KECOSCE) to support Kilifi CSOs to develop a self-regulation framework.
The framework aimed at increasing CSOs efficiency, legitimacy and capacity to engage with authorities and hold them to account for improved delivery of public services. The CSOs have been able to influence formulation of better policies and laws that include the voice of the communities. One such policy is the youth Policy and the Public Participation Policy.
The CSOs have within the last six months held engagement forums with the Executive led by H. E. The Governor and the Deputy Governor, the County Executive Committee members and the County Assembly. Through these engagements, the CSOs have become strong to stand up for the rights and interest of citizens’ inclusion ensuring all groups including Youth, women, People with disabilities and minority communities are involved in decision making committees.
The CSOs have held over 20 activities within the 35 wards to inform people about their rights and ensured they were heard by the county government which has led to changed approaches and behaviors of county officials.