
Kenya Community Support Centre (KECOSCE) is a National NGO working in the Coast and Northern Kenya. KECOSCE is a strategic implementing partner to Mensen Met Een Missie (MMM) Implementing the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) Project in three coastal counties, namely Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River. This JISRA project has been enabled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dutch Government in partnership with Mensen Met Een Missie to be implemented in various countries in the African continent. In Kenya, KECOSCE is among seven (7) other implementing partners who are Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) working in different counties across Kenya.

Program Focus

The JISRA Project is aimed at enhancing religious tolerance within the community through three pathways, namely intra-religious, inter-religious and extra-religious to address key issues in freedom of religion and belief(FoRB) in Kenya. The project aims to improve peaceful interaction between religious communities through contextualization and promoting religion-sensitive FoRB policies and enhancing understanding of both state and non-state actors on gender equity and inclusion. During this period, the project is working with local stakeholders to address these key issues of freedom or religion and belief. This involves community dialogues, gender specific forums and trainings, enhancing collaboration between law enforcement agencies and communities and capacity building to collaborate on responses to religious radicalization and violent extremism.

Summary of Key Achievements

  • Increased understanding of FORB issues

Through the various forums conducted by KECOSCE, many of the stakeholders have experienced an increase in knowledge and awareness of issues surrounding freedom of religion and belief. This includes understanding of the spiritual, psychological and social challenges that are faced by various other religious actors. These forums have opened up for more fruitful and open discussions towards tolerance and inclusivity in the community. They have also allowed for more engagement of women and youth on issues that impact them on a personal level.

  • Increased awareness of the importance of including women and youth

The project’s initiatives have been supported greatly by religious leaders through their attendance and contributions towards more open conversations. They have had an increase in awareness of the issues that affect women and youth and also an understanding of the challenges they face within religious institutions. These forums have sparked ideas for more inclusive initiatives within religious institutions for women and youth. With over 100 religious leaders involved within these project, we foresee an increase in understanding of women’s issues in religious institutions.

  • Duty bearers have increased positive perceptions on FORB

The participation of the Deputy County Commissioners and the Assistant County Commissioners within these project is a great encouragement and show of support from the National Government and its Administrators. With over 50 National Government Administrative Officers (NGAO) ranging from different ranks being involved in open forums on promotion of freedom of religion and belief within their various localities. This has led to an improved information sharing between local leaders such as community policing members and law enforcement. The promotion of human rights has been upheld in their engagement with the local community, with more tolerance and inclusivity values being practiced.